hello Call of international website of the world’s physicians.... All physicians of the world are requested to send us their exact and accurate information (including name & surname, contact information, address, specialty,...) through menu "Register doctors" . if they are not registered in this website or if they are modified.     hello  
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Enrollment of physician’s specific page
Facilities of physician’s specific page
1 . Including full information of physician, e.g. name, surname, phone No., address, photo of
  the physician .  
2 . Creating specific and professional facebook and tutor pages along with their full support.
3 . Link in international website of physicians’ reference to enter specific site of physicians.
4 . During membership, any changes in the specific page will be done free of charge by the
  company .  
Required Documents :  
* Name and last name - specialty  
* Email address  
* Fixed and mobile phone numbers  
* Address and telephone of office or offices  
* Doctor's image  
* Scientific Biography of the Doctor  
* The website address and the doctor's social networks if available  
Please send your information to our email. Your profile will be posted on the website in less  
  than 72 hours  
  Email: makers_site2@yahoo.com  


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