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benefits of Black pepper

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  A pinch of black pepper is added to almost every type of recipe imaginable. Once used as  
  currency and presented to the gods as a sacred offering, it is fortunate that this most popular  
  of spices is available throughout the year.  
  Black pepper comes from the pepper plant, a smooth woody vine that can grow up to 33 feet  
  in hot and humid tropical climates. They begin to bear small white clustered flowers after 3 to  
  4 years and develop into berries known as peppercorns. Ground peppercorns produce the  
  spice we call pepper.  
  This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Black pepper provides for each of the  
  nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating  
  System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Black pepper  
  can be found in the Food Rating System Chart.  
  Cancer crusher  
  Sprinkle on this spice to calm a cold, detox your skin, and even help fight cancer.  
  A little pepper may go a long way with your health—it might even help ward off breast cancer.  
  A chemical compound in peppercorns called piperine may be able to help prevent a breast  
  cancer tumor from developing, a University of Michigan Cancer Center study suggests.  
  Pepper’s potential cancer-preventing properties are heightened when it’s paired with turmeric;  
  combine the two in a delicious Indian-style dish, such as yellow curry.  

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