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  12 Secrets to Increasing I.Q.  
  1. Be Active  
  If you ، don’t exercise regularly , now is a good time to start . Exercise contributes to overall ,  
  physical and mental health. Having a healthy body leads to development of intelligence.  
  2. Write  
  Some people، find that a journal is a good ، way to organize thoughts. Simple writing helps، you  
  gain a new perspective when you go back and read what you wrote.  
  3. Meditate  
  Research shows، that meditation makes you smarter. Meditation increases the ability ، of the brain  
  to make physiological changes , increases gray ، and white brain matter ,and enables “ whole brain  
  synchronization ” whole brain synchronization allows the left side of the brain to be connected with  
  the right hemisphere.  
  4. Think  
  Involve yourself with books, documentaries,or board games that require critical thinking skills.By  
  challenging your current assumptions, you are making yourself smarter.  
  5. Read Every Day  
  Try to read something nonfiction at least 30 minutes each day.Reading increases your intelligence  
  and keeps you well-informed.  
  6. Have Hobbies  
  Do the things you ، love on a regular basis . Whether it’s ، bowling knitting , or fishing , the more  
  fun you experience the easier it will be for you to assimilate new information.  
  7. Study I.Q. Puzzles  
  I.Q. puzzles ، can be found at your local book store . To keep your mind sharp , go over these  
  8. Be Creative  
  Create something. Write an ebook , plant flowers , build a model car. Using your mind to create  
  something improves your ability to think.  
  9. Explore New Cultures  
  Seek out different worldviews other than your own. Learn about other culture’s food, traditions, &  
  10. Play Competitive Games  
  Chess is a good example of a competitive game that adds to your cleverness . Log on to the  
  Internet and play with others around the world. Facebook offers many competitive games.  
  11. Listen to Music  
  Recent research studies show there is a connection between listening to music and improved  
  Music listening also boosts skills in science and math.  
  12. Get Enough Sleep  
  Most people require between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night . This time allows ، your brain to  
  process the day by strengthening memories.  


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