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  About nose surgery  
  Rhinoplasty is the technical name for surgery that reshapes the nose . One of the most common  
  of all plastic surgeries , it can be done for health reasons (to correct breathing problems) but is  
  usually done for cosmetic purposes. It can change the width of your nose, reshape the bridge or  
  tip of the nose , or change the angle between your nose and upper lip.  
  What Nose Surgery Can (and Cannot) Do  
  As with other forms of cosmetic plastic surgery,you need to have a clear & realistic understanding  
  of your motivation and goals for the surgery , and you need to discuss them honestly with your  
  surgeon. Improving your appearance, can’t solve all of the difficulties that you might face in life,  
  but it may increase, your self confidence as you deal with them.  
  Before Nose Surgery  
  During your first consultation with your doctor, you'll explain your reasons for having the surgery.  
  Your doctor will examine your nose and facial structure and discuss the possibilities (what your  
  nose could look like) and the procedure with you.  
  Together , you’ll develop a plan ، for surgery and healing . This plan ، will determine ، the specific  
  surgical techniques and anesthesia to be used.  
  Preparing for Rhinoplasty  
  You ، may not take aspirin or any non - steroidal, anti - inflammatory medicine (such as Advil or  
  Motrin; Tylenol is acceptable) for about two weeks before the surgery.  
  What to Expect  
  Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure lasting between two to three hours, though more  
  complicated cases can take longer &/or require a short hospital stay.Depending on the surgical  
  plan you & your doctor have developed, you’ll be given local or general anesthesia.  
  Local anesthesia means you’ll be lightly sedated and your nose and the surrounding area will be  
  You’re awake during the surgery, but relaxed and feeling no pain.  
  General anesthesia means you’ll be asleep during the operation.  
  Immediately Following Surgery  
  During the first 24 hours after surgery, you’ll stay in bed with your head, elevated and have some  
  pain and puffiness. You may also have some swelling and bruising around your eyes. This may  
  even increase for a day or two, but will usually disappear within about two weeks.  


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