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About Allergy

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Allergies and ، asthma are very common in Australia ، and New Zealand . Around 1 in 3 people will develop
allergies some time during their life about 1 in 10 will develop asthma. Far from being a trivial inconvenience
allergies have a significant impact on quality of life and are associated with other medical conditions.
Severe allergic reactions(anaphylaxis)can even be life threatening. Unfortunately, many people confuse myth
with reality in the way they view and treat allergies and asthma.
Allergies are a serious problem in Australia and should not be ignored. Untreated allergies have a significant
impact on quality of life. Allergic rhinitis ( hay fever ) for example , results in poor quality sleep , fatigue and
daytime sleepiness. Adults find it harder to think and function at work, suffer from greater absenteeism and
more work - related injury . They are more irritable and moody than healthier ، people and find it harder to
make important decisions . School - aged children with allergic rhinitis ، can do poorly in examinations and
often cannot recall information taught during class.
Untreated allergies can also worsen other chronic respiratory problems such as asthma , sinusitis and skin
disorders such as eczema and urticaria (hives). Some allergies to foods, drugs and insect stings can lead to
a potentially life threatening ، reaction called anaphylaxis - a systemic allergic ، reaction which can be fatal
and leads to the death of 10 to 20 Australians each year.
Babies who are born to smoking mothers have a greater chance of developing asthma than children of non
smoking mothers. Smoking is also a known trigger of asthma attacks and should not be ignored.
So if you must smoke, do it outside and away from your children.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hayfever, is caused by allergy to pollen, rather than hay.
Pollen allergy tends to be due to air borne pollen from wind pollinated grass, weed and tree species.
By contrast, the pollen of flowering plants is large and sticky, does not blow very far, and requires birds and
bees for pollination. Therefore, when people complain that scented flowers trouble them, it is usually due to
chemical irritation from the perfume that makes them sneeze rather than the pollen.

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