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3 Things You Don’t Want to Find in Your Poop

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  A lot of guys say they do their best thinking when they’re on the toilet. But there’s one thing  
  you probably don’t want to ponder when you’re pooping: the actual contents of your crap.  
  Is it gross? Yeah, of course. Important? You bet. The stuff at the bottom of the bowl can tell  
  you a whole lot about your body, so don’t flush away the evidence without taking a look.  
  Your digestive tract is lined with mucus to help food pass smoothly. If you frequently go #2,  
  your colon contracts more often—so it’s normal for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)  
  to see mucus in their stools, says Robert Burakoff, M.D., chief of gastroenterology, hepatology,  
  and endoscopy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  
  Bright red blood in the bowl usually means hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in your rectum  
  or anus that bleed when you strain, says Dr. Burakoff. But it could also signal serious conditions  
  like inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD), or even colon cancer.  
  NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin can also cause recurrent bleeding anywhere in the gut,  
  making your stools look almost black. A Spanish study found that people who regularly took  
  NSAIDs were 72 percent more likely to experience upper gastrointestinal bleeding than those  
  who weren’t on the meds.  
  Best-case scenario: Black, tarry looking stools could just stem from something you’re  
  consuming, like Pepto-Bismol, iron supplements, and some foods like spinach.  
  When to worry: We’re stating the obvious, but anytime you see blood in your poop, you need  
  to high-tail it to your doctor.  
  He or she may recommend a colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy—a less invasive  
  examination of the lower colon—to check for IBD, hemorrhoids, or colon cancer.  
  It’s the stuff of nightmares: You look down into the toilet bowl and see small, white, thread-like  
  worms (called pinworms) or long, flat, white strands (tapeworms) wiggling around your poop.  
  Rectal itching—especially at night, when pinworms lay their eggs around the anus—can point  
  to worms, too.  

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