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Dr. Jürgensen Kay

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Colombstrasse 27, 3027 Bern

Tel :

031 992 20 10 021



Dr. Sennwald Gontran

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Sempachstrasse 22, 3014 Bern

Tel :

031 331 94 11  021



Dr. Parli Riet

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schänzlistrasse 39, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 337 89 40 021



Dr. Vogel Diethelm

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Bümplizstrasse 101, 3018 Bern

Tel :

031 990 03 03 021



Dr. Bierbach Uwe

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Neubrückstrasse 96, 3012 Bern

Tel :

031 302 55 66 021



Dr. Klakow Andreas

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schosshaldenstrasse 32, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 352 11 04 021



Dr. Stäubli Hans-Ulrich

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schänzlistrasse 39, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 337 89 90 021



Dr. Aebi Bernhard

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Seilerstrasse 22, 3011 Bern

Tel :

031 381 02 64 021



Dr. Aebi Max

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schänzlistrasse 39, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 337 89 22 021



Dr. Ballmer Franz Thomas

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Bremgartenstrasse 115a, 3012 Bern

Tel :

031 306 60 00 021



Dr. Buess Eduard

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Riedweg 5, 3012 Bern

Tel :

031 309 96 20 021



Dr. Christen Bernhard

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schänzlistrasse 39 Salemspital, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 337 89 24 021



Dr. Eggli Stefan

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Buchserstrasse 30, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 358 12 53 021



Dr. Eiermann Claus

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Buchserstrasse 30, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 358 12 48 021



Dr. Fernandez Diego L

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Bremgartenstrasse 119, 3012 Bern

Tel :

031 301 15 10 021



Dr. Flückiger Gerhard

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Buchserstrasse 30, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 358 12 61 021



Dr. Hatz Oliver

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Spitalgasse 16, 3011 Bern

Tel :

031 311 44 64 021



Dr. Heini Paul F

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Buchserstrasse 30, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 358 17 90 021



Dr. Henle Philipp

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Buchserstrasse 30, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 358 12 52 021



Dr. Hertel Ralph

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Bremgartenstrasse 117, 3012 Bern

Tel :

031 300 80 70 021



Dr. Huber Bernhard

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Salem Spital, Schänzlistrasse 39, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 351 13 22 021



Dr. Huber Martin

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Schänzlistrasse 33, 3013 Bern

Tel :

031 333 82 30 021



Dr. Huracek Jiri

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Morillonstrasse 75, 3007 Bern

Tel :

031 970 73 49 021



Dr. Jung Maximilien

Orthopedic surgery

Address : Giacomettistrasse 4, 3006 Bern

Tel :

031 972 70 75 021

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